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Models / Corinna

Avg Rating: 4.7

Corinna Vital Stats:
Fun Fact:  A certain celebrity from the 90s had a huge crush on her

A texas girl with the looks easily to be a movie or tv star, the closest she got was getting to stay at a certain celebrity's mansion (whom she had sex with and felt bad about it later), but never got the opportunity to make it into the business. Erin and Elaine are her favorite tnv models to be hang with.

Corinna Updates

Mindless In Vegas
Was able to splice together some more lost footage from that crazy last morning in Vegas. As you can see chaos still reigns true in that room. The goodness is I may have located a tape with some decent girl-girl action between these two, stand by! you can never have enough Corinna, am I right? ...

Tags: beautiful Full Nude Girl-Girl gorgeous breasts
Delirious In Vegas
I am back in Vegas (with Stella and Aften) for AVN! it's fitting that I post some more crazy footage from that wild Vegas AVN show where we shot BACHELORETTE PARTY 2. Now this was the last day and it was supposed to be a TG video featuring Corinna and Jacquie, who were totally into each other. The...

Tags: beautiful Girl-Girl gorgeous breasts hot ass
A Crazy Day In Vegas
Nostalgia week continues here at TNV as we feature the sexiest model to ever appear on our site - Corinna! hell she is likely the sexiest model to appear on any adult site! So again this was last day in vegas for our crew and we were all a little wiped. I let our photographers run the show which turned...

Tags: beautiful Full Nude Girl-Girl gorgeous breasts
Last Day In Vegas
PRODUCER'S NOTE: So this day was nuts! We had taken 6 girls, a few useless boyfriends, a videographer, a photographer, someone's wife, and a few other tag alongs to the AVN Adult Entertainment Show in Vegas. This was back in the hey day of the industry! We shot BACHELORETTE PARTY 2 there as...

Tags: beautiful Girl-Girl gorgeous breasts hot ass
Corinna Fawn Lost Footage 2
Hot footage that was nearly lost for eternity! Corinna has to be in the discussion for sexiest TNV Girl ever! she'd certainly get Fawn's vote!

Tags: beautiful Full Nude Girl-Girl hot ass
Corinna Fawn Lost Footage
Going through the vast archive I happen to stumble upon this raw footage from TG-22 featuring our hot blondes Corinna and Fawn! Corinna was really something special! even to the extent that Fawn wound up having a fatal attraction to her. Now no rabbits were boiled but Corinna did have to block her...

Tags: beautiful hot ass nude Panties
TG-22 Corinna Fawn
Getting Reacqainted Fawn and Corinna are amazingly gorgeous blondes who previously met at a video shoot in Austin, Texas. They arrive at the same time for a job in Los Angeles at the home of a voyeur who likes to watch girls via monitor as they make themselves comfortable in another part of his loft...

Tags: Girl-Girl


Pretty much your biggest starlet. She's like the unnamed alpha girl of the bunch. But most likely you have no more videos of her :(
Fresh-faced, all-natural . . . totally delightful.
I hope she comes back to do more videos. So incredibly hot.
Hundreddollarman, the Corinna videos are over a decade old. You'd probably not recognize her now. "Corinna" all these years later might be your boss at work or the soccer mom next door. That's the magic of these early TNV videos -- they captured a moment of youthful innocence that comes and goes quickly. These are real girls and not professional adult performers. They probably moved on with their lives and all we will have are these special moments to treasure. Thanks to TNV for capturing those moments!
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Jazz Man
Big draw, this girl. The one that brought me to TNV in the first place. I just wish she had made more videos!
No sign of whatever scene Denise was in with this beauty?
I still want to know what happened to Corrina and Layla Part 2????
Are you referring to what would have happened after their shower? well we scheduled a shoot for them to take things to the bed but Layla's bf at the time talked her out of shooting further, fearing it would affect her chances of becoming a hollywood star actress! yes, you read that right.
Still to this day, Corrina is probably the hottest chick I've laid my eyes on. What a stunning beautiful woman. Would give my left nut to see her and a few of the other OG girls just do a "Where are they now". Not nude or anything, just letting us know how adult life has been. The other girl I literally grew up hoping to marry was the original Alicia. I think she was an executive or something but she helped me become a man. Hope they all are having a great life with kids and all that good stuff. Thanks for the memories TNV, I'll definitely never forget some of these girls.

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